Mr. Faal Leads the Charge: Pledging Allegiance to UDP Marks First Step Out of the National Abyss

Congratulations to Mr. Faal for recognizing the bottomless abyss our country is headed through. It will be a monumental challenge to help it up and out of the abyss, but changing or pledging allegiance to the udp represents the initial step of turning us around in the abysmal ditch.

Although our journey out of the abyss as a nation is most resolute and definitive when we all make the turn together, and at the same time, the nature of us may not lend easily to that concert. We can all turn around at various stations down the ditch, but once turned by joining the mighty UDP, we must resolve to pickup our wayward fellows left behind in the crevices and under the Rock protrusions, on the way up. For they are the ramparts who supply the last energies against the hydraulic potent downward. The defiant soldiers who took refuge along the slippery and cylindrical wall of the abyss.
