What is responsible for the near wholesale corruption of African Nations

Generally, when we bring up the topic of corruption, the common refrain of the thieves is that corruption exists everywhere; in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Australia. This refrain is true, but it is merely an excuse to de-sensitize ourselves from the devastating ravages of corruption on the health and growth of our communities. More, it does not imbue the requisite urgency to either improve ourselves, or to fight the scourge and minimize or prevent it from recurring.

Some argue that the fear of some phantom God or Allah is the best panacea against corruption and crimes of the soul. Let us examine this fraud of an affinity with religion a bit more.

Almost all peoples on earth have experienced slavery and or colonization at some period in their histories prior to their “political independence”, and the most significant and psychological tools of enslavement and colonization are traumatic force and conditioned love. These are also the tools we have invariably used to train and discipline our infants into compliance and a virtuous adulthood. Religion is a combination of the two; traumatic force and conditioned love. They came from centuries of experience and anthropomorphic studies. To say therefore that corruption exists everywhere is to state the obvious and the status-quo. We can see that the common refrain is not very useful as a readiness tool to resolve our corrupt souls, because the reason why we’re concerned about scales of corruption is that it renders whole communities destitute and depraved, and because our cyclical rings of life are iterative in nature, corruption ends up devouring its culprits. Merely a matter of time when the implosion happens.
Recall also that religion is the hallmark of enslavement and colonization, so that a mad dash toward occult or toward building fancy mosques and cathedrals to phantom Allahs and Gods are merely symptoms of relapse and recidivism. It is foolhardy to feign righteousness by using occult as a veneer. And all religion is occult because they are discrete. Life is dynamic.

The first step to treating a corrupt soul, a step that all the nations who thrive with lower per-capita corruption have deployed, is to consider the promulgation of a dynamic law regime called a constitution and its attendant amendment and enforcement mechanisms. This construct, based on mutual respect and regard for each other and for our collectives, is called democracy. To be sure, even with the most exquisite democracy, the detractors and saboteurs of democracy, the corrupt souls prior, will always be present and active to thwart our efforts against corruption. The democrats must also active and virulent if we are to overwhelm the cantonments of sabotage.

Look around the world and you will discover that the nation’s with the highest growth rate and GDP, are those who have avoided wholesale colonization and those who have vibrant democratic governments. Their residents have longer life-spans and higher immigration numbers, legal or illegal. This is because they have lower per capita corruption and dynamic enforcement mechanisms not reliant on phantom Gods and Allahs. Perhaps they’ll rot in he’ll for that when they leave us in our depraved squalor, but we shall find out when we meet them in hell.

